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Nadia E. Brown (Ph.D., Rutgers University) is a University Faculty Scholar and Associate Professor of Political Science and African American Studies at Purdue University.  She regularly teaches the following courses: Black Political Participation; Black Women Rising; Introduction to African American Studies; and Race and Ethnicity in American Politics.


While trained as a political scientist, Dr. Brown's scholarship on intersectionality seeks to push beyond disciplinary constraints to think more holistically about the politics of identity. Brown's Sisters in the Statehouse: Black women and Legislative Decision Making (Oxford University Press, 2014) has been awarded the National Conference of Black Political Scientists’ 2015 W.E.B. DuBois Distinguished Book Award, 2015 Anna Julia Cooper Award from the Association for the Study of Black Women and Politics, and the 2015 Center for Research on Diversity and Inclusion at Purdue University Faculty Research Award.


Along with her husband, Brian Lawrence, she is blessed to parent  Nile (5), Nuri (3) and Neva (1) who are affectionately known as #BrownGirls. Their family is enhanced by the presence of Grammy, Nadine Medley, who lovingly came to live with Brian and Nadia when Nile was born and has been with them ever since. They live outside of Indianapolis, IN and are preparing to move to the DMV in the near future. Nadia is a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc and looks forward to being more active in her sisterhood now that her girls are  a bit older. 

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