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Contact Me

Academic Collaborations

I am happy to share my research with others, partner with others on academic and political projects, and provide feedback on the work of students and colleagues. Please use the form below or email me at for all invitations to co-conduct research, co-create projects, or co-present as part of a workshop or panel. Be sure to provide as much information about the event as possible, including details regarding the date and time of the meeting and your ideas about what work we could do together.


Media Requests

I am an expert on Black women's politics, broadly. I am especially interested in providing on-the-record commentary and expertise about the Black women experiences with/in politics. Additionally, I can speak to  Black motherhood in the academy, identity politics, and sexual assault/harassment in political science Please be as detailed as possible in the form below or email me at about your publication, the topic you want me to discuss, and the date by which you would like to conduct the interview. 


Looking for scholars' thoughts and expertise on other topics? I recommend checking out Women Also Know Stuff and People of Color Also Know Stuff.


Speaking Engagements

I am available to speak at events focused on race, gender, and politics - specifically, Black women's politics - in the United States. For all speaking requests, please be as detailed as possible in the form below or email me at about the topic you would like me to discuss, the audience the talk is intended for, proposed dates, and other information that you deem relevant about the event.

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